By Robyn Vesey and Judith Bell As part of the celebrations marking Tavistock Consulting first 25 years, we have been collecting together papers that capture key ideas, turning points or new developments from authors who have worked at Tavistock Consulting at different times over the course of its history. Our […]
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How do you turn a group into a high-performing team?
By Megan Meredith Do you recognise any of these in your team? A group of talented individuals just can’t seem to perform as a team? Even if incentivised to collaborate, people still seem to do their own thing? One or two people are singled out as the especially difficult or […]
Read MoreTurning a blind eye – organisational abuse
By Bev Thomas Amidst the abhorrence of high profile celebrity convictions for sexual abuse, institutional scandals and most recently, the revelations about widespread abuse in Rotherham, attention has quite rightly turned to those individuals and institutions that may have harboured knowledge about the behaviour of these perpetrators, and done nothing […]
Read MoreOrganisational culture in the NHS
By Judith Bell Why is it important and how can an unhelpful culture be identified? Organisational culture is ‘how we do things round here’. It represents the collective values and beliefs of the people who work in the organisation and is influenced by its history, its primary task, key individuals, […]
Read MoreStaff and teams in conflict – Identifying the root cause
By Bev Thomas Tavistock Consulting has a long history of working with staff in conflict, but in the last five years we have seen increasing referrals for more senior clinical staff and, in particular, for consultants whose working relationships have broken down. Our approach to understanding conflict between staff is […]
Read MoreThe costs of working with unbearable reality: a systems psychodynamic understanding of the closure of Kids Company
By Dr Robyn Vesey The closure of the charity Kids Company after the government withdrew its annual £5m funding and private donors withdrew their support has received much media attention1. Indeed what has occurred has not just been reported and centred in the media spotlight, but has occurred as a result […]
Read MoreDigital Innovation – Why it doesn’t always work out
By Dr Kay Trainor Organisations and those who lead them have extraordinarily powerful tools at their disposal for achieving change. Vast amounts of information, significant resources, sophisticated techniques, and renowned experts to name a few. Yet, no matter how rational or sensible or digitally advanced the plans produced from these […]
Read More“It’s not about the money, it’s murder working here.” – A systems psychoanalytic understanding of the Junior Doctors’ strikes.
By Dr Robyn Vesey Dominating headlines and evoking strong feelings, the Junior Doctors’ strikes between January and April this year have been focused on a new contract the government has been setting up since 2013. Although at the time of writing, the British Medical Association (BMA) is discussing and voting […]
Read MoreOur approach to: Systems-psychodynamic thinking
The theory At Tavistock Consulting we apply a ‘systems-psychodynamic’ theory of change to our work with organisations. This label refers to the application and integration of three overlapping frameworks of thinking and research, which together offer a heuristic approach to understanding organisations and the behaviour of those who work within […]
Read MoreSuccess, challenges and risks of leadership in the contested public sphere. An election day reflection.
By Dr Robyn Vesey As we look towards the next period of national leadership with a new government forming following the general election, there is attention on the Conservative and Labour party leaders’ individual’s leadership and the challenges they face in performing well in their leadership roles. In addressing leadership […]
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