We are pleased to announce we are now open to applications for our 2024 course.

Please find all the details about how to apply on the Tavistock and Portman website.

In today’s uncertain landscape, leaders need to be sure that the support they are getting will deliver the impact they need. Being an effective executive coach requires the right combination of skills and experience supported by a solid theoretical underpinning. Demonstrating that you have this depth of capability is an important part of establishing a productive coaching relationship and in developing your practice as a coach.

Our internationally renowned Executive Coaching Programme draws on our systems-psychodynamic model and is designed to develop your confidence as an executive coach and help you to work in a more meaningful and deeper way. The Programme has been accredited at Senior Practitioner Level by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).

Using the systems-psychodynamic model as part of your coaching practice will enable you to understand and address the personal and organisational dynamics that impact on the coaching relationship and your effectiveness within it. It is a highly sophisticated and unique approach that will enable you to get to the root of complex issues, help clients through challenging circumstances and enable the development of lasting and highly impactful change.

As well focusing on you and your coaching skills, the programme introduces the idea of a wider systems-focus including:

  • The impact of coaching on the client’s organisation
  • Linking coaching to the wider business and professional environment
  • Professional development and ethical practice.


We explore these topics using a variety of techniques including theory presentations, experiential learning, reflective practice, role play, skills practice and video analysis. In addition to these modules, participants receive intensive supervision, both one to one and in groups.

You may be a practising coach who wants to work at a deeper level with clients or an organisational consultant wishing to develop your one-to-one skills or a clinician, manager or leader wanting to develop a coaching approach to use within your role.

For more information about our Executive Coaching Programme including details of upcoming open evenings and how to apply please get in touch.