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About this programme

Are you an experienced executive coach interested in more deeply exploring the relational and systemic aspects of your clients’ situations?  Do you find yourself wondering about what happens ‘in the moment’ and how to take those opportunities in your work and go deeper?

Are you curious about the systems-psychodynamic approach and how to use it to develop your coaching practice when working with clients remotely?

What will I learn?

This advanced coaching practice course offers experienced coaches an ability to engage clients with the personal aspects of their work performance, explore the context to what clients bring and gain a better grasp of the ways wider organisational dynamics which can inhibit clients’ success – and what they can do about it.

The Tavistock Model is a well-established approach in executive coaching that offers insight into personal dynamics as well as systems awareness and, most importantly, combines the two.  We have been offering an increasing number of clients coaching and supervision on virtual platforms, and we are launching this training that draws on our experience in applying the Tavistock model online.

This advanced coaching practice course is a complete introduction to our systems-psychodynamic approach that combines theory, personal reflection and experiential learning to create a reinvigorating and developmental space for participants.  The remote delivery will form one source of learning about the relational processes when working online.

Programme overview

A four day online course for experienced coaches

Module 1

PRO framework

In-between modules

Complete a reflective note and prepare session notes for discussion at the second module. We invite and expect participants on this course to share their own material in group discussions in order to develop their learning.

Module 2

Coaching skills development

Follow-up session

After module two you will have a one hour follow up session to review your learning and experience of using the approach in your coaching with one of the course faculty.

Programme facilitators

Will be released shortly.

Who is this programme for?

To enable a high-level of learning across a group of experienced coaches we will ask you to register with an application form confirming that:


Dates for the upcoming course will be released shortly. All sessions will be held on online


Will be released shortly.

Make an enquiry

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