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Our clients know that they need to think as much about how they work together, as they do about the expertise they each bring to the table.  Increasingly teams work across professional and organisational boundaries and within more intricate lines of management, often in different locations, sometimes virtually, adding to the complexity of team relationships and dynamics.

We help teams to understand how they can maximise their performance by creating an open, transparent and constructive team culture, able to perform at their best despite the challenges and tensions that often arise.

The concept of high performing teams was pioneered at the Tavistock, so by working with us, teams get a depth of insight and understanding into their strengths and how to harness them, and also into the dynamics between them that are less helpful and get in the way. Sometimes this means working with what is already known and supporting teams to make the change they want to see. Other times it is about surfacing some of the more difficult assumptions, emotions or stuck patterns of behaviour in order to make headway. We help our clients to understand what is really going on.

We offer a service which is tailor-made to what our clients need and draw on our extensive experience of working with organisations over 20 years. Whether it is a standalone away day or a more comprehensive bespoke programme, resolving conflict or becoming more reflective as a team, our work enables teams to be able to reach their full potential and deliver enhanced performance in an often challenging and turbulent environment.

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